The constant change in information technology motivates me. I focus on your individual requirements and develop customized software solutions for you.
These optimize your business processes and give you a decisive competitive advantage.
As an experienced Java developer, I modernize existing systems, develop new business applications and support you in data migration.
I provide consulting and development services in the areas of database design, software development and data migration.
I am at your disposal for inquiries and further information.
Modernization and further development of existing database systems in decentralized environments. Design and development of new database systems in decentralized environments.
Modernization and further development of existing systems. Design and development of new business applications. Analysis and correction of defects, unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, code reviews, static code analyses.
Support with data migration from centralized to decentralized and cloud-native environments. Implementation of message oriented middleware systems for data migration.
Multi-Tier, Client-Server, REST, Microservices, Event-Driven, MVC
Scrum, Kanban, V-Model
Java, Python, Scala, C, Node JS, Java EE, Jakarta EE, Spring, OSGi, OAuth2, JWT, Linux, IBM z/OS, Containerization, Virtualization, Message Oriented Middleware Systems, IBM Db2 (z/OS, LuW), PostgreSQL, MySQL, Maria SQL, Oracle Database Server, Microsoft SQL Server, JBoss EAP 7, Wildfly, IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile, Open Liberty, Apache TomEE, Apache HTTP, Hibernate ORM, EclipseLink, Apache OpenJPA
Eclipse SWT, JSF, JSP, PrimeFaces, JFace, Vaadin, Thymeleaf, Java Swing, Java FX, Angular JS, HTML 5, CSS\CSS3, Bootstrap Frontend Toolkit